Tastes Like Homemade: Some Classic Kitchen Secrets

Cooking is something that has been done since the beginning of time. Everyone appreciates a good cook and the food they seem to magically produce with ease. Cooking skill is not something you are born with, but rather it is something to learn as you go. This article can help you add to your cooking skills.

Make sure not to use oil in the water you are using to make pasta. This will only keep sauce from sticking to pasta when mixed together. In order to give the water a little flavor and prevent the pasta from sticking the pot, you can add in a little bit of salt.

Make perfect salad greens. A great green salad requires top quality salad greens. First, immerse the leaves in a bowl of cool water, then lift from the water to drain. They should be dried thoroughly because any water left will deteriorate the leaves and dilute the salad dressing. Wrap them gently in paper towels to dry. Finally, crisp the greens. Wrap the dried greens in fresh paper towels, put them in a plastic bag, and chill for 15 minutes. The bag should be left open to allow the leaves to 'breathe'. If you follow this method, you will have perfect salad greens every time.

If you want to add a unique touch to your dinner, use fruit as a side dish. Fruit will help to flush down the thick pieces of meat that you just ate and will serve to re-energize your body after consuming a lot of calories. Add oranges, pears and apples to your dinner to optimize your experience.

To easily remove the veins from shrimp use the sharpest knife that you have and slit down the back of the shrimp where the vein is. Place the knife at the top of the vein once slit and lift it out then rinse the rest out of your shrimp with cold water.

When you are cooking with garlic and you do not want to deal with the smell on your hands, cutting board, or utensils, follow this tip. Take a thicker plastic bag and smash the garlic inside of the bag. You can then just simply dump the garlic into the pan!

Here is a great cooking tip to use when you are handling smelly garlic. After handling garlic, simply rub your hands with a piece of stainless steel for 30 seconds. This could be your sink or a doorknob. After doing this, wash your hands with soap as your normally would. The stainless steel helps to remove the odor from your hands.

When you feel like your dish is missing something but it isn't salt, consider something acidic. Lemon, wine, and vinegar can all be great ways to add acid to a recipe. Healthy acidic balances out the flavor of anything sweet. It can also be a wonderful way to add a "salty" flavor if you're on a low salt diet.

As noted, cooking has been around forever, and good cooks are always greatly appreciated and praised. You too can become a good cook by adding to your skills and your knowledge base. By adopting the skills and hints in this article, you can make your cooking skills that much more in demand.

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